Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Exercise, Week beginning Monday, 1/25/20010

The group read up to the bottom of page 82.


Look for areas in your life which are central to your sense of self: For instance, a job, a political affiliation, or simply a self definition, e.g.: "I am a caring person."

Contemplate where this structure came from. Was there one particular experience that caused you to take this position, or to go down this path? What if you had never met that person, or chosen a different major in college...?

If you are married, could you be happy being single again? If you have a career you enjoy, what if that line of work disappeared from our economy?

Quiet your mind, and feel for the 'you' underneath these definitions.

If practical, the next time the self-definition comes in to play, stop for a second, and see if you can 'be', and feel the distinction, outside of that old 'structure.

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