Monday, October 19, 2009

Exercise, Week beginning Mon, Oct 19, 2009

This week, keep an eye out for a glimpse of ego. At some point, you will find yourself complaining, or justifying your actions, or worrying about some outcome, or being ashamed, or proud, or...

When you do, stop. Just step back gently in your mind, and have a look, without judgement:

What is going on? What is the mechanism? Are you arguing with someone in particular? Are you being judged by someone in particular? Are you trying to fit yourself into some particular shape?

Is the intended result that 'you feel good'? - or that you avoid 'feeling bad'?
What, exactly, is the feeling that you are trying to achieve or avoid?

Just look and see. Write it down, Patty. Like taking apart a pocket watch... How does it work?

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