Thursday, August 20, 2009

Susan Gale, author of "Psychic Children" speaks in Plymouth, MA today

August 20, 2009
136 Standish Avenue, Plymouth, MA
4:30 pm - ??

Susan Gale will be at the home of Shirley Harvey, speaking to whomever would like to visit with them. Some of you will remember Susan's visit to the Spiritualist Church in Quincy, a year or so ago, when her second book was published. She is the co-author (with Peggy Day) of "Psychic Children" and "Soulful Parenting". Susan founded, and operates a school for psychic children with her business partner, Steve, near Worcester. It's called "A Place of Light", and is described here, in a paragraph from their E-newsletter:

A Place of Light is a safe haven for those who are intuitive or want to learn more about becoming intuitive. Our newsletter covers many topics in regards to this and also the upcoming events and services provided by A Place of Light. If you think you are an Indigo or Crystal, if you think you know someone who is, then we can help you gain a deeper understanding of your gifts as well as control.

Susan has been featured on various TV programs, and earlier this month, she spoke at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. headquarters in Virginia Beach.

Shirley and Susan would love to meet any of our A.R.E. group, or friends from Angels by the Sea who will stop by.

Drinks & snacks provided.

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