Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Exercise, week starting Monday, Aug 24, 2009

The group began discussion, prior to reading Chapter 13, "Love", of In Search for God

The exercise is from
page 132 of Experiments... .:

Select and write down one stimulus to which you often react in an automatic and inharmonious way. Then decide on one interrupting behavior (a "mudra"). Make an agreement with yourself that for at least a week you will use your mudra anytime the chosen stimulus happens in your daily life. Keep a record of how you respond after completing the mudra.

(For example, imagine that every time someone speaks to you rudely you automatically respond in a defensive and angry way. You might make an agreement with yourself that, whenever the stimulus of rudeness occurs in your life, you will slowly open and close your hand twice before you respond. After completing the interrupting behavior, you may decide to act in an angry way or in a loving way. What has happened is that you now have more of a choice to show love because the automatic, selfish pattern has been made only one of several alternatives.)

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