Thursday, June 11, 2009

Keep asking; shift reality

The following has happened quite a bit over the years and happened to me again this morning. It probably happens all over every day. You call a company with a question such as, "How much is your service?" They'll say $100. I'd rather have it for $50 so I say "OK, bye." I then call the same company again, and get a different rep. He says "$100, always has been." He reads from their rule book about why it's $100. OK. I go online, look at their information, and see that it's ambiguous. I wait a month or two and call again, get a third rep, and the same $100 answer. So after about eight months of this (in this case it's not a new service issue but one that I care more about) today I call, get a rep, and ask him. He says $50! How? Nothing has changed in their rule book according to him. It's just now the answer is the one I've been hoping for, and according to this rep it's always been the answer. He says he's sending me verifying papers.

The call and call thing tends to work. People do it until they hear what they want to hear, and then what they're hearing is not only what they wanted, it's right! It has become as real and valid as the stuff they hadn't wanted to hear used to be.

I've assumed different logical explanations for the disparity - untrained reps, honest mistakes, outright lying, luck, odds, etc. But this morning I wondered if somewhere in there reality shifting is going on. Then a couple hours later here comes Cynthia's February RealityShifters issue, (which arrived at 1:11 pm!) talking about retrocausality.
Taken from a wonderful site,, which is very much worth your time.
See especially this ever-growing compendium of stories of reality-shifting experience (well over 100 pages!):

This reminded me of Robert's comment a few weeks ago mentioning the bible passage in which Jesus related the parable about requesting some lamp oil from someone... Keep "knocking" and the door shall be opened...

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