Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Cayce Internet Radio Program

Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. is pleased to announce our new Internet radio program Reflections: The Wisdom of Edgar Cayce. The program will feature show host personality Jon Michael Zapf and include expert guest speakers and authors. Debuting on May 3, with Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of A.R.E., each program will delve deeply into concepts from the Edgar Cayce readings including ancient mysteries, perspectives on the afterlife, reincarnation, personal health, intuition, psychic development, and much, much more. The show will broadcast Sundays from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. EST, on the CBS Psychic Radio network (, which is dedicated to worldwide news and information regarding all things mind, body, and spirit.

The mission statement of the program is to introduce listeners to the vast array of information from the Cayce readings, which complements the overall mission of our nonprofit organization to provide individuals from all walks of life, levels of education, and religious backgrounds with tools for personal empowerment and healing at all levels — body, mind, and spirit. Upcoming featured guests include Edgar Cayce's son and grandson, Edgar Evans and Charles Thomas, family friend June Bro, popular speaker John Van Auken, and special guests like singer/songwriter Helen Reddy, among others. To learn more, visit

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