Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Healing Sessions with Malcolm Smith 4/15-4/17

Healing Sessions with Malcolm Smith
Apr 15–17 / Wed–Fri @ 9am–9pm
Malcolm Smith is a gifted spiritual healer (website / video) and former coal miner who lives in Yorkshire, England. Malcolm works only through Edgar Cayce’s regional A.R.E. groups. Sessions are open to all. To ensure your space we recommend that you sign up as soon as you can. (Private sessions last 30 minutes and are held in a Braintree/Quincy area home. Call for pricing. “Remote” healing sessions also available, as are healing cloths.)

To schedule an appointment, contact Aantre (“On-tray”) Kennedy [781-848-8860] or Betty Pleiss [bettyp508@aol.com, 508-673-0477]).

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