Friday, February 13, 2009

Exercise, week starting Monday, 2/9/2009

The exercise for the week is on page 93 of Experiments...

To your mind, what are the qualities of the Christ Consciousness? Write them down. Select one from your list to focus one for a week. Then choose and write down one area of your life in which there is special need to manifest that quality. Keep a record of situations in which you are successful in your attempts to express it in that part of your life.


Unknown said...

This message originates from the soul of an optimist, when we all were facing a challenge to grow our numbers, our commitment, our stewardship and our programs -- or else continue to slowly ebb away.
1. Stop worrying, complaining, finding fault and get over all anxiety and depression - or go on some meds - the latter from the psychologists among us - and turn and face the fact that you are not bad, not wrong, not dumb and not beaten.
2. Take your ego out of it because it is not about you or me or us; and ego identification can only deceive one and seduce one into feeling self-conscious and totally in "this is mine, all mine and I have to serve myself best by doing it this way." It is not yours or mine or ours. You know who's this is? Guess!
3. Be strong, for God's sake. You and I are strong. We are all strong. We have more gifts and skills than anybody can name. We are not deficient, weak and lifeless. We are gifted, blessed and yes, also privileged with both educstion, incomes and assets and a head start that goes back a couple of decades or generations or centuries. So let's act like the strong ones we are.
4. Do some things that are good, planned and within reach. We have a way of being religious that is about the Soul and we have a soul-mind-heart-conscience-service way of being religious that we do not have to apologize to anybody for, It calls for building the leadership; organi-zation, programs and the usefulness of the property and the outreach.
5. We need to put all this in some mode such as "theology." Call this a "theology of growth." Loosely interpreted it means "the times are with us," because there are living in America a bunch of people who always seek after the breath of free religion. There exists a bunch of people who seek the truth.

Alan said...

Hi Lou -

Sounds like this should be an independent, new post, rather than a comment on this one.