Monday, January 25, 2010

Moonlight PathWalk, Meditation, Drum & Chant and PotLuck Supper -- Sat, Feb 6th


Together on a Winter's Night

with Spirit in Nature Pathways

at Packard Manse in Stoughton

Experience Connection

With the Earth, Each Other, and the Energy of Life!

Please join us for a

Moonlight PathWalk, Meditation, Drum & Chant
and PotLuck Supper!

Saturday, Feb. 6th

5-10 P.M.

Packard Manse


$10 suggested donation

Meditation and walk led by

        • Alan Montgomery, of Unblock Your Life

Chanting will be led by

        • Tonia Pinheiro, of East Coast Chant

Drumming will be led by

  • Dave Curry, of Drums for One and All

We will start with a silent meditation, then a silent moonlit walk on our Spirit in Nature path. Then some wonderful food and conversation, and on to participatory musical joy and exuberance!

If you have drums, flutes, or other percussion instruments, bring them!

Others will be available for your use.

Dancing, skilled or less so, is encouraged!

If you get lost, call: 617-922-8927.

RSVP to Jocelyn at: jocelynray [at]


Packard Manse

583 Plain Street
Stoughton, MA 02072-3125

Take 138 about a half mile South of Stoughton Center

to Plain Street. (R. at Town Spa)

Follow Plain St. for about a mile.

Packard Manse is on the Right,

after pond on left, then after Swanson Terrace on right, and before West Street.

(Coming from the West, it's on the Left, only

about 250 yards from West Street)



  • 5:00 Gather & meet

5:15 Meditation begins (30 min)

NOTE: If you can't join us for meditation PLEASE, don't enter the building until 5:45! If you arrive late for meditation, please be SILENT. Thanks!

  • 5:45 Assemble outside for walk – Silently, please!

6:00 Walk in Silent Meditation

  • 6:45 Inside: After-walk chat and sharing

7:00 Eat & socialize

  • 7:30 Gather for music

7:45 Music/chanting/drumming/dance

10:00 Depart, in joy, peace, and connectedness.


Questions, email Alan: alan[at]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would join you if I was there!
-Deb in Alaska