Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Group meeting update: our next book

Well, we recently finished our “Search for God, Book II,” and “Experiments in a Search for God,” and then enjoyed the first half of a DVD called “Reincarnation” by John van Auken, a popular A.R.E. speaker. We’ll watch the last half on Monday (10/12). Then it’s time to begin our new book, which was unanimously, and quickly, selected by attendees at our recent meeting (miracle of miracles! Hee hee!). So... on Monday, October 19... 2009... we will be starting... our new book... (this part is called suspense building)... something different but very much in the be-here-now zone... a book... called... (drum roll)... “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle!

New and used copies can be bought on Amazon (or elsewhere). Here’s a link: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose (Oprah's Book Club, Selection 61)
You don’t need a book to attend meetings. See the column at right, under “About Us,” for meeting location.

Hope to see you soon! And remember: just Breathe.

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