Friday, August 21, 2009

Andrew Collins to Discuss New Find in Egypt

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Saturday Night/Sunday Morning, August 22-23 from 1-2 am Eastern time

Andrew Collins will be featured on Coast-to-Coast radio to discuss the ancient passageways and underground caves discovered beneath the pyramids at Giza on Saturday Night/Sunday Morning August 22-23 from 1-2 am Eastern time (10-11pm Pacific time). You can listen to the show at

Explorer and author Andrew Collins, funded by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Archeological Research Fund, has found and begun exploration of a subterranean network of underground chambers and hallways beneath the Giza plateau. Collins hopes that his discovery will eventually lead to finding a passageway to Edgar Cayce’s famous Hall of Records, which is believed to be off the right front paw of the Sphinx, in which ancient Atlantean records are waiting to be rediscovered as humanity approaches a new age.

It began in 2002 when the British Museum needed to relocate its library and archives of the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan. During the move, memoirs of Henry Salt, British Consul General in Egypt from 1816 until his death in 1827, were found, again. Some extracts were published in the early 1800s, but it was only when the British Museum reproduced the complete work in The Sphinx Revealed, A Forgotten Record of Pioneering Excavations that Salt’s amazing exploration of catacombs under the Giza Plateau were fully understood. Salt, in the company of Giovanni Caviglia, with whom he worked, conducted these underground explorations in 1816-17. Although these passages are of natural origin (meaning caves), there are hints that parts of this subterranean network are manmade, with underground chambers and hallways beneath the Giza plateau. One possible entrance to the catacombs—a rock-cut tomb in the plateau’s northern cliff-face, west of the Great Pyramid—was investigated by Col. Howard Vyse and John Shae Perring in 1837.

Explorer and author Andrew Collins found the entrance and managed to enter the massive caves and journey for a distance before breathing became difficult. After procuring the proper equipment, his team re-entered the caves. Collins tells the story of his discovery in a new book due out this fall titled Beneath the Pyramids and published by 4th Dimension Press (an imprint of A.R.E. Press).The book is a personal journey of exploration and discovery that is breathtaking to read from start to finish, lavishly illustrated with full color photos, and available for pre-order at

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