Sunday, June 21, 2009

A.R.E. Northeast region monthly meditation, either 9 AM or 9 PM Sunday, July 5th

[Via Charlie Davidson:]

Namaste all,

I would like to invite you to join us for the A.R.E. Northeast region monthly meditation. If you would like to join us please meditate at either 9 AM or 9 PM Sunday, July 5 th using the following affirmation,

Be still and know that
I am one with the source of unconditional love, wisdom and harmony
as I express these in all that I do.

And at the end of the meditation please surround those on the Northeast prayer list with healing light as well as the region, everyone meditating and global consciousness.

A link to the A.R.E. Library newsletter for June is provided in the postscript below. In the newsletter is an interview with Edgar Evans Cayce.

And, at the end of this email is part of a Cayce reading
given in 1932 to the healing group. It has some information relating to meditation and the experiences' one may have.

Please note, this email is a week earlier than usual because I will not have email access until next week.

Thanks for joining in the meditation!

  • If you have access to the web you might like this site if you like to listen to meditative music when you meditate. You select the music by clicking on the note and making your selection. And, it also provides a timer which you can set in minutes, to the interval you want. (You can copy the URL into your browser address field to access it.)

  • . Please join us each first Sunday. Or, if you would like to be removed from this mailing; or add someone else, please reply with "ADD" or "REMOVE" in the Subject line and email address in the email body.
  • A.R.E. Library newsletter with Edgar Evans Cayce interview
  • If you do not receive the A.R.E.Northeast region prayer list and/or would like to be prayed for, please contact Zita at
  • Edgar Cayce Reading


6. (Q) Is there any advice to us concerning those we are holding in meditation?
(A) Not as ones that would pry into the affairs of individuals, rather as that necessary element in the experience of others in seeking, in unburdening the conditions in their experience, know more of those things that hinder and that make those that seek afraid; for in the troubled heart comes those experiences that make for doubts and fears. Consider that even at the beck and call of the Master, and even in His presence, Peter began to sink. So we, in the weakness of the flesh, in the face of doubt and fear, often begin to sink and lose our way. So, when there is held by a group as a whole those STRENGTHENING influences that may make others know that, "Yea, a prayer is said," there is seeking - seeking - that the one faltering may be made strong in His might, His power. Remember, all, how thin is the veil between the sublime and the ridiculous. Make not thine self absurd or ridiculous in thine own eye, in thine neighbor's eye. Keep in the way that makes for LIFE - everlasting.

8. (Q) Please expand on the different circular vibrations which are experienced during meditation:

When felt in the lower part of body.

(A) As this may be expanded upon both from the metaphysical viewpoint and from the purely scientific also, well that those who experience these do not confuse themselves in the interpreting of that each may experience. Each must remember that the vibrations which are emanations of the Life from WITHIN are a material expression of a spiritual influence, or of a FORCE that may EMANATE from Life itself.

Now, consider, we are viewing both of these in the light of that which has just been given.

When an emanation or a vibration arises, it may only act upon centers within the human body that are sensitive to those vibrations WITHIN the body; else one may not become aware of such vibrations being present, or they may not become apparent; hence have within themselves passed from being an influence that is not of a nature other than that which produced same.

When these ARE interpreted properly, they become that which raises for each individual the ability to become aware of the influences from without and from within. These, SPIRITUALIZED, are the emanations that may be sent out as thought waves, as a force in the activity of universal or cosmic influence, and thus have their effect upon those to whom by suggestive force they are directed toward.

In the VARIED motions, as we understand, these arise; (as all things spiral WOULD), for one that WOULD become aware of such an emanation, such a vibration, such a force being active within themselves.

DO NOT use those vibrations to self's undoing, by the attempts to make for SELF other than a CHANNEL for aid to another.

9. (Q) When felt in the upper part of the body.
(A) All the same. We begin from one. We have passed on up to the head now!

10. (Q) [341]: Please explain the sensations during meditation of vibration running up through the body and ending in a sort of fullness in the head.
(A) The various portions, as given, represent the activities that are being set, either when considered from the purely scientific or from the metaphysical standpoint, as an active force emanating from the Life itself within. Then, these become all-embracing; hence the better understanding should be gained, whether used to disseminate and bring healing or for the raising of the forces in self. When one is able to so raise within themselves such vibrations, as to pass through the whole course of the attributes of physical attunements, to the disseminating force or center, or the Eye, then the body of that individual becomes a magnet that may (if properly used) bring healing to others with the laying on of hands. This is the manner in which such a healing becomes effective BY the laying on of hands.

Copyright 2006 by the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. The Edgar Cayce Readings 1971, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.

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