Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Boy Who Saw True (Update)

[Take two, update:]

Well, I finally read it. (Thanks Evelyn!) Definitely a fun book.


1885: A school-aged boy starts a diary. Not just any boy, but one who can see auras, and who can see and converse with non-physical beings. Of course, no-one around him can do anything of the sort…

Along the way, alternating with his insightful and endearing observations of all the people he encounters -- the servants, the local vicar, his annoying sister, etc. -- he casually mentions such things as conversations with his (dead) grandfather and seeing a gnome in a tree. These non-physical interactions eventually culminate in a few bits of fuller discourse with some more evolved “guides”.


To those for whom these concepts are new, this book may provide a good launching platform for further exploration into the realities beyond what meets the physical eye. For those who have already started down that path, it is nonetheless a fun jaunt, and a bit of a reminder of who we really are.

For This Reader, one of the strongest impressions was just how aggravating his parents were, especially his mother! I was full of pity for the poor kid. – And as a whole, what a strange and twisted culture! Such strict conformity to such arbitrary and absurd rules. Good thing we don’t do that here! ;)

I was also struck by the contrast: here is an obviously highly-evolved soul, for some reason “enslaved” under this spiritually-retarded parent. Constant struggle.

I find it resonating with my own experience. Not that I have the same level of ability as the main character, but it’s that split: on the surface, the struggle with the day-to-day pain and trivia of life; but at the same time, some deeper stream beneath.

It is as if some wise man-of-the-world were to spend a few minutes aimlessly doodling, perhaps while sitting on the toilet… a quick break, before getting back to the “real world”…

On Amazon:

The Boy Who Saw True
paperback $10.85
"44 Used and new from $7.00"
[A little drilldown shows used paperbacks as low as $2.50 + shipping, also with several in the $4-5$ range]

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