Wednesday, January 27, 2010

CayceTV: What did Edgar Cayce say about 2012? [video]

Did Edgar Cayce speak about 2012? Kevin Todeschi answers your questions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Malcolm Smith, Feb 4-6th, Braintree

Malcolm Smith
Internationally Renowned British Spiritual Healer

is in town (Braintree) February 4th, 5th, and 6th.

For appointments,
call: Aantre Kennedy at: 781-848-8860

or email Betty at:

Malcolm Smith has worked with hundreds of people with tremendous success, especially with vision problems, cancer and epilepsy. According to Malcolm, the primary purpose of spiritual healing is to stir the soul. Unless the soul is touched and the spirit awakens, any physical healing will only be temporary -- thus his goal is to awaken your spirit so that you may soar in your life.

Malcolm feels that healing energy is directed by angels and spirit doctors. With great humility, he claims to be just an innocent bystander in the healing process. For most people, there is a slow improvement over a period of time, and for some people -- big miracles.

Malcolm works with all issues of body, mind and spirit. An awareness must arise within the one receiving the energy to develop a new code of moral and spiritual values to replace those which have them 'bogged down' in material cares and woes. Spriritual healing is a process and continues through time. As spritual connection becomes more conscious and cultivated, inevitably the cares, worries, fears and diseases that trouble the body lessen and fade until they are gone.

Malsolm notes 'the primary mission' is ultimately to awaken humanity to the divine within, a task we are all designed for, each in our own way... and then, not only our souls, but our universe, will be healed. Keep giving God the credit, and we will succeed.

Exercise, Week beginning Monday, 1/25/20010

The group read up to the bottom of page 82.


Look for areas in your life which are central to your sense of self: For instance, a job, a political affiliation, or simply a self definition, e.g.: "I am a caring person."

Contemplate where this structure came from. Was there one particular experience that caused you to take this position, or to go down this path? What if you had never met that person, or chosen a different major in college...?

If you are married, could you be happy being single again? If you have a career you enjoy, what if that line of work disappeared from our economy?

Quiet your mind, and feel for the 'you' underneath these definitions.

If practical, the next time the self-definition comes in to play, stop for a second, and see if you can 'be', and feel the distinction, outside of that old 'structure.

Monday, January 25, 2010

CayceTV: Interview with "God in Real Life" author Kevin Todeschi [video]

Interview with God in Real Life author Kevin Todeschi, CEO of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.

Moonlight PathWalk, Meditation, Drum & Chant and PotLuck Supper -- Sat, Feb 6th


Together on a Winter's Night

with Spirit in Nature Pathways

at Packard Manse in Stoughton

Experience Connection

With the Earth, Each Other, and the Energy of Life!

Please join us for a

Moonlight PathWalk, Meditation, Drum & Chant
and PotLuck Supper!

Saturday, Feb. 6th

5-10 P.M.

Packard Manse


$10 suggested donation

Meditation and walk led by

        • Alan Montgomery, of Unblock Your Life

Chanting will be led by

        • Tonia Pinheiro, of East Coast Chant

Drumming will be led by

  • Dave Curry, of Drums for One and All

We will start with a silent meditation, then a silent moonlit walk on our Spirit in Nature path. Then some wonderful food and conversation, and on to participatory musical joy and exuberance!

If you have drums, flutes, or other percussion instruments, bring them!

Others will be available for your use.

Dancing, skilled or less so, is encouraged!

If you get lost, call: 617-922-8927.

RSVP to Jocelyn at: jocelynray [at]


Packard Manse

583 Plain Street
Stoughton, MA 02072-3125

Take 138 about a half mile South of Stoughton Center

to Plain Street. (R. at Town Spa)

Follow Plain St. for about a mile.

Packard Manse is on the Right,

after pond on left, then after Swanson Terrace on right, and before West Street.

(Coming from the West, it's on the Left, only

about 250 yards from West Street)



  • 5:00 Gather & meet

5:15 Meditation begins (30 min)

NOTE: If you can't join us for meditation PLEASE, don't enter the building until 5:45! If you arrive late for meditation, please be SILENT. Thanks!

  • 5:45 Assemble outside for walk – Silently, please!

6:00 Walk in Silent Meditation

  • 6:45 Inside: After-walk chat and sharing

7:00 Eat & socialize

  • 7:30 Gather for music

7:45 Music/chanting/drumming/dance

10:00 Depart, in joy, peace, and connectedness.


Questions, email Alan: alan[at]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CayceTV: How to Make a Castor Oil Pack [video]

How to make a castor oil pack. Castor oil packs are recommended frequently in Edgar Cayce's treatments.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Exercise, Week beginning Mon, Jan 11, 2010

The group read up to the middle of page 69 in A New Earth.

The exercise is from the book, at the top of page 64:

"See if you can catch, that is to say, notice, the voice in the head, perhaps in the very moment it complains about something, and recognize it for what it is: the voice of the ego, no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought. Whenever you notice that voice, you will also realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is aware of it. In fact, you are the awareness that is aware of the voice. In the background, there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind. The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot co-exist. The old mind-pattern or mental habit may still survive and reoccur for a while because it has the momentum of thousands of years of collective human unconsciousness behind it, but every time it is recognized, it is weakened."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

CayceTV: Edgar Cayce Recorded on Film (June, 1939) [video]

Edgar Cayce recorded on film in June, 1939, with a voice over telling Edgar's life story.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

CayceTV: Body-Mind-Spirit Transformation Conference [video]

Edgar Cayce's Body-Mind-Spirit Transformation Conference: Preparing for 2012 and Beyond.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dr. Bernie Siegel's coming to town

Bernie Siegel (his website), MD, cancer surgeon and author of "Love, Medicine & Miracles" and other books on healing, will be speaking in Randolph, MA. If you've ever read this book, you know what special work he does. (Read some of his free articles online.) The sponsor appears to be Healthy Living Magazine (website). Here are details from Healthy Living's website:

An Interview With Bernie by Candita Mamet
To reserve your space online, scroll down to the bottom of the article above. You can also call Candita at (781) 834-2728.

KICK OFF THE NEW YEAR with Dr. Bernie Siegel, Inspirational Healer at the Recognition Awards,
Doors open at 5:30. Bernie will be there at 8 pm. Join us for open networking from 6-8pm. Great raffles. Come meet with a variety of health & wellness vendors!

Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010
Time: 6 -10 pm
Tickets: $35 ($45 at the door)
Location: Lantana, at 43 Scanlon Drive in Randolph, MA

View Larger Map

Monday, January 4, 2010

CayceTV: Andrew Collins and Egypt, part 2 [video]

Andrew Collins talks about his discovery in Egypt, part two.